Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Bay of Islands

We're in Bay of Islands at the Copthorne Resort, adjacent to the site of the famous treaty signing between the Maori and the British. It's gorgeous up here. It was about a 3 and a half hour drive, complete with some rain, road construction, and windy 2 lane roads! Brian did very well with what felt to me like tricky driving, including random round-abouts!

Tonight we ate at the hotel, opting for the buffet. They had pumpkin and orange soup, breads, cheeses, cold meats, cold shrimp and other seafood, well-done lamb and beef and a variety of other hot dishes. I had a great meringue dessert with a fresh strawberry on top. It's still kind of wild that it's nearly summer here--so the seasonal produce is different from home. We have seen a lot of pumpkin, which surprises us.

Our room at the Copthorne has an enclosed porch, with table and chairs--nice for admiring the view of the sea.


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